BIOTYNI tyni water jug 3.5L (premium quality)



BIOTYNI tyni water jug can covert your filtered water into

Micro Clustered Water

Most of our drinking water cluster sizes are not small enough to reach our cells due to this our cells wont receive proper nutrients also will not be able dispose the waste properly

Micro clustered water solve this issue and make sure the cells get fully hydrated

Hydrogen Rich (-ORP)

Oxidation reduction potential (ORP) the process of cell damage in our body is called as Oxidative stress we all know cell damage is the root cause for all the complecations in other word -ORP means ablity to reduce the cell damage by reducing free radicals (works as an antioxidant)

If your water is hydrogen rich the ORP will fall in to negative value more the negative value more the anti oxidant property less cell damege in our body


In todays life style our food , water, air, are so acidic but our blood should be in alkaline state 7.4 particularly when one consume alcohol acidic level shoots up in the blood the moment blood looses its alkaline state most our organs work harder to bring the blood back to alkaline this over load may lead for organ failure & root cause for many diseases for get about alcohol most our drinking water is acidic between 4 -6 ph so drinking these kind of whats itself create load in our organs so its essential to take alkaline water

Add Essential Minerals

According to WHO suggestion our drinking water should have at least 100 tds ( total dissolved salts ) unfortunatily most of purified water will be between 10 to 30 that to doesn’t have essential minerals like magnesium , calsium , etc lack of minerals in our body leads for high acidic


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